Congratulations, Melody!

Celebrating our National Award Winner, Melody Lai

One Patroller is selected for a National AAA School School Safety Patrol award every year. The 2022 National Patroller of The Year winner, Melody Lai, demonstrated exemplary safety and leadership skills despite the challenges posed by the pandemic. We are proud to recognize the important work she has done for the AAA School Safety Patrol program, her school, and her community.

2022 National Award Video

Congratulations to the following 2022 National Award Winner:

  • AAA National School Safety Patroller of the Year, Melody Lai, Martin Elementary, South San Francisco, CA

Read more about Melody Lai’s story:

Melody joined School Safety Patrol and became Captain after returning to in-person schooling when schools reintegrate the program. Melody recounts, “This year, we had to start fresh and learn fast. I am proud that we have made our team even better than before!”

Through participation in the program, Melody has matured as a young leader. She shares the following lessons she’s learned along the way: “As a captain, I have learned the importance of strength, honesty, and confidence. Strength helps me fight through problems and to speak out against bullying. Honesty helps my team to believe in me and trust me. Confidence helps me to be strong and honest. This will help me to have a better life.”

After joining the School Safety Patrol, Melody created the Sugar Club at her school. She and other students spend their recess and time after school spreading messages of positivity. Melody hopes to continue growing this club in middle school.

Melody continued her mission of spreading positivity and wrote a letter to Ruby Bridges to show her support and continued her efforts by raising awareness for the Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day to her neighbors.

When Melody noticed a rise in Asian hate, she took action to help vulnerable members in her community. As she says, “We should never judge people for the way they look. This is NOT kind. To make a positive change, I have tried to comfort elderly people in Chinatown and to tell them that they are safe here. I have written letters to police officers to thank them for walking elderly people across the street to keep them safe.”

AAA congratulates and thanks Melody Lai for her initiative and contributions to the program and community.

Congratulations, 2022 Award Winners!

Thank you for submitting applications to our annual awards program and congratulations to all of the outstanding Patrollers and Patrol Advisors who were nominated for our AAA School Safety Patrol Awards program this year. Thank you for all that you do to keep your school and community safe. Our awards honor the dedication and leadership of these students and advisors.

School Safety Patrollers

  • May Elmore, Glenview Elementary
  • Claira Joynes, Ione Elementary
  • Melody Lai, Martin Elementary
  • Aubrey McAllister, St. Teresa of Avila School
  • Hana Siddiqi, Granada Islamic School
  • Sierra Workman, Main Street Elementary School

School Safety Patrol Advisors

  • Dale Cook, Archway Classical Academy Lincoln
  • John Miller, Glenview Elementary
  • Mary Meyers, Spring Lane Elementary School

Honorable Mentions

  • Kathleen “Kitty” Fawver, School Safety Patroller, Ione Elementary
  • Luke Okajima, School Safety Patroller, Laurel Elementary
  • Miranda Romo, School Safety Patrol Advisor, Chabot Elementary

2021-2022 Awards Season is Now Open

Throughout the year, AAA School Safety Patrollers and Patrol Advisors work hard to keep their schools and communities safe. As we continue to navigate the challenges of the pandemic, AAA is proud to recognize these dedicated leaders through the annual School Safety Patrol Awards program.

“Participating in my AAA School Safety Patrol has helped me to become a better leader by pushing me to become more confident in myself.”
Daisy Casey, 2021 AAA National School Safety Patroller of the Year

Schools are invited to nominate participants in the following award categories:

  • Patroller of the Year
  • Patrol Advisor of the Year
  • Lifesaving Medal

In addition to customized plaques from AAA, all winners will receive grants for their schools up to $2,000 to help enhance their School Safety Patrol activities.

Award applications are now open with the deadline to apply extended to April 15. The application process can be completed entirely online for each of the awards. To be eligible, schools must be actively enrolled in the AAA School Safety Patrol program, so register or re-enroll today if you haven’t already.

Check back in April when we announce the 2021-2022 winners!

For any questions about the AAA School Safety Patrol Awards or application process, please contact

Congratulations AAA National Award Winners!

Celebrating our National Award Winners

Each year, one Patroller and one Patrol Advisor are selected for a National AAA School School Safety Patrol award. The 2021 winners demonstrated exemplary safety and leadership skills despite the challenges posed by the pandemic. We are proud to recognize the important work they have done for the AAA School Safety Patrol program, their schools and their communities.

Congratulations to the following 2021 National Award Winners:

  • AAA National School Safety Patrol Advisor of the Year, Mike Huss, Ione Elementary, Ione, CA
  • AAA National School Safety Patroller of the Year, Daisy Casey, Martin Elementary, South San Francisco, CA

Read more about Daisy Casey’s story:

An academically talented student, Daisy has undergone a complete transformation since joining the AAA School Safety Patrol. She went from being a quiet student that rarely spoke at school, to talking with her teachers and classmates. Her newfound confidence motivated her to create safety videos for school announcements and become a young agent-for-change in her community.

“AAA School Safety Patrol has changed me and my life for the better,” said Casey. “In the past, I have never talked to anyone. Participating in my AAA School Safety Patrol has helped me to become a better leader by pushing me to become more confident in myself.”

Recently, Daisy had the chance to address San Francisco Mayor London Breed about Martin Elementary School’s efforts to create a statewide Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day. Bridges was only six years old when in November 1960, she became the first Black student to integrate an elementary school in the South. Along with other Martin Elementary School students, Daisy’s goal is to create a nationwide movement to honor the civil rights icon while promoting respect and equal treatment for students of all backgrounds.

“I’m absolutely amazed, and in awe, with the hard work the students at Martin Elementary have put into pursuing Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day,” said Ms. Bridges. “I’ve seen hope in the young people I’ve met. People like Daisy Casey who are carving their own paths and leading the charge to make a better world.”

Read more about Mike Huss’ story:

Mike has led the school safety patrol for 7 years. Mike trains patrollers and meets with them regularly to give advice and provide additional training. Mike stands at the front of Ione Elementary School each day with the patrollers, watching as they open car doors and greets students. Mike is also Ione Elementary School’s Teacher in Charge, Yearbook Advisor, Cops 4 Kids leader, and grade level team lead. Off campus, Mike has been a youth coach, sat on the Little League Board, and was on his churches parish council.

“Leading the Ione Elementary School AAA Safety Patrol has been the most rewarding experience of my teaching career,” said Huss. “Watching the students take on the responsibilities of helping their school has been fun to watch. Since starting the Safety Patrol in 2014, I have seen students do amazing things that they have never thought possible in their lives.”

Mike talks highly of the students in his Patrol group. He says, “It is students like these that have inspired me to keep leading the Ione Elementary School AAA Safety Patrol. They have shown me that this program matters. It builds leaders. It grows confidence. It gives students a sense of pride and belonging. It promotes team building and group problem solving. Being involved gives me hope for our future as I am able to help encourage the future leaders of our town, our state, and our country realize their potential.”

Congratulations 2020-2021 AAA School Safety Patrol Award Winners!

Celebrating our award winners

Thank you for submitting applications to our annual awards program and congratulations to all of the outstanding Patrollers and Patrol Advisors that were nominated for our AAA School Safety Patrol Awards program this year. Thank you for all that you do to keep your school and community safe. Our awards honor the dedication and leadership of these students and advisors.

Congratulations to the following 2020-2021 award winners:


Global Family, Oakland, CA

  • Recognizing: Advisor Teresa Ojeda
Greenleaf Elementary School, Oakland, CA

  • Recognizing: Patroller Jocelyne Uribe-Perez


Hillsdale Elementary School, West Valley City, UT

      • Recognizing: Patroller Kaylee Kim


Ione Elementary School, Ione, CA

      • Recognizing: Advisor Michael Huss, Patroller Aurelia “Ellie” Page, Patroller Patrick Clearwater  


Joaquin Miller Elementary School, Oakland, CA

      • Recognizing: Advisor Erin Valenzuela, Patroller Giselle Barajas


Los Amigos De Manzanita SEED, Oakland, CA

      • Recognizing: Advisor Ryan Lamberton


Martin Elementary School, South San Francisco, CA

      • Recognizing: Advisor Deborah Carlino, Patroller Daisy Casey


St. Teresa of Avila School, Carson City, NV

      • Recognizing: Patroller Sophia Jones, Patroller Zane Woods


St. Vincent Ferrer School, Vallejo, CA

      • Recognizing: Patroller Kari Aguirre


100 Years of Student Safety

A Century of Service

This year marks the centennial of the AAA School Safety Patrol program. The world’s largest school-based safety program has provided students a sense of safety and security when going to and from school. Today, these young changemakers are building safer and more inclusive communities.

AAA applauds the millions of students who’ve contributed their time to this important school safety activity for the past 100 years. Taking responsibility for safety awareness builds confidence, improves communication skills, and teaches the importance of teamwork.

For these — and future — leaders, AAA is proud to support the AAA School Safety Patrol Program!

To take part in the centennial celebration, participating schools are invited to order commemorative pins for their Patrollers. As always, these materials are provided by AAA at no charge – simply sign up today! (Supplies are limited.)

Order Your Commemorative Pins

Apply Today for the 2020-2021 AAA School Safety Patrol Awards

Apply Today for the 2020-2021 AAA School Safety Patrol Awards

Do you know an outstanding Patroller or Patrol Advisor? Do you know a student or class that has gone above to keep their community safe in 2020? Nominate them for a AAA School Safety Patrol Award. 

If selected, the winner’s school will receive a grant up to $2,000 to help enhance their school’s AAA School Safety activities and the winners will receive a customized award plaque.

Recognizing Safety Leaders

Students and adult advisors who give their time and energy to make the AAA School Safety Patrol a success are encouraged to submit a nomination for one of our five awards. Click here to learn more

  • Patroller of the Year
  • Patrol Advisor of the Year
  • Lifesaving Medal
  • NEW: Student Safety and Leadership Award
  • NEW: Class Safety and Leadership Award

Easy, Online Application 

Applying for awards is easier and faster than ever – we’ve gone digital! Applications are 100% online, and you can save and return to your application in progress. Click on the link below for more details and instructions. 


Applications are due Feb 26, 2020 and winners will be notified in March. Check out a list of last year winners here.


Safe Guidelines for Patrol Operations During COVID-19

Keep Your Patrollers Safe as You Head Back to School

For schools reopening and operating Patrols this Fall, there are new operations guidelines available to help you maintain student safety amid the COVID-19 pandemic. All practices are in-line with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines. Schools and Patrol Advisors should always follow the advice of state and local public health officials.


To download the document, click here.




Online Learning Tools and Resources

Online Learning Resources

As we face these unprecedented challenges, the AAA Community Impact team is here to support our school partners. During these uncertain times, the resources below are still available for you to utilize while social distancing and teaching virtually. We hope you will find these useful.

1. The AAA Lesson Plan is a free curriculum available to download throughout the year containing topics such as, bullying, self-driving car safety, crossing the street safety, etc.  Teachers can also choose to be sent a free teacher’s packet to help with teaching the lessons.

2. Help kids #PlayAtHome. The Play at Home Playbook, powered by our valued partner, Playworks, is now available to download. In this playbook, you will find ways to keep students active and moving. Additionally, Playworks is hosting a virtual recess 3x a day on Facebook Live.

3. Comcast is offering it’s Internet Essentials customers two months of free service when they sign up by April 30th. After two months, service is $9.95/month plus tax. Find out if you qualify for this service here. Other internet providers have responded similarly, check out more information posted by Charter, Cox, and AT&T.

4. Google has given G Suite and G Suite for Education customers free access to advanced Hangouts Meet video-conferencing capabilities. This includes:

-Larger meetings, for up to 250 participants per call
-Live streaming for up to 100,000 viewers within a domain
-The ability to record meetings and save them to Google Drive

Check out Google’s tips for Educators on how to maximize online learning here.

5. Zoom is lifting its 40 minute meeting limit on free Basic accounts; request these upgrades for your school here. Additionally, check out Zoom’s list of tips and tricks for teachers educating on the Zoom platform.

6. Adobe is offering free access to Creative Cloud tools. This resource will be available until the end of May and is available for students attending schools that currently only provide lab access. Check it out here.

7. Wide Open School, a site built in response to COVID-19 and school closures, is a free collection of the best online learning resources for kids curated by the editors at Common Sense Media. Many of these resources can be completed off offline or on smartphones.



2019-2020 AAA School Safety Patrol Award Program

Celebrating our award winners

Thank you for submitting applications to our annual awards program and congratulations to all of the outstanding Patrollers and Patrol Advisors that were nominated for our AAA School Safety Patrol Awards program this year. Thank you for all that you do to keep your school and community safe. Our awards honor the dedication and leadership of these students and advisors.

Congratulations to the following 2020 award winners:


Aspire College Academy, Oakland CA

    • Recognizing Yvette Ramirez


Hawthorn Elementary School, West Jordan, UT

    • Recognizing: Kyra Fox


Bowers Elementary School, Santa Clara, CA

    • Recognizing: Jackson Webb


Ione Elementary School, Ione, CA

    • Recognizing: Olivia Johnson, Freddy Fawver, Dacey Randolph, Megan Henness, Blaykelin Clearwater, Joel Billingsley


Briarwood Elementary School, Santa Clara, CA

    • Recognizing: Gina Yum, Mykala Irvin


Jeanne Meadows Elementary School, San Jose, CA

    • Recognizing: Grace Tran, Alayna Pham


C. W. Haman Elementary School, Santa Clara, CA

    • Recognizing: Kiana Everett, Courtney Carscadden, William Walker, Mia Gonzales, Mateo McKinley


Lincoln Elementary School, Oakland, CA

    • Recognizing: Jolene Ho, Eric Gonzalez, Kathryn Gin


Chabot Elementary School, Oakland, CA

    • Recognizing Miranda Romo, Janiya Ray


Manzanita Community School, Oakland, CA

    • Recognizing: Mckynzie Fabia


Christ the King Elementary School, Mesa, AZ

    • Recognizing: Sara Doyle, Cade Brennan


Manzanita SEED Elementary School, Oakland, CA

    • Recognizing: Caitlyn Lamberton


Cleveland Elementary School, Oakland, CA

    • Recognizing: Abigail Tyrvanen, Stephanie Tyrvanen


Kyrene de la Mariposa – Computer Science Academy, Tempe, AZ

    • Recognizing: Priscilla Buffa


Frank Lamping Elementary School, Henderson, NV

    • Recognizing: Jillian Doyle


Martin Elementary School, South San Francisco, CA

    • Recognizing: Deborah Carlino, Violeta Segura, Jayden Samuels


Glenview Elementary School, Oakland, CA

    • Recognizing: Elita Gugel, John Miller


Samuel Vaughn Elementary School, Ceres, CA

    • Recognizing: Viviana Haro Sandoval


Granada Islamic School, Santa Clara, CA

    • Recognizing: Atifa Mohamed Sulthan, Mouaaz Aly


St. Stanislaus Catholic School, Modesto, CA

    • Recognizing: Kora Harris


Greenleaf Elementary School, Oakland, CA

    • Recognizing: Lucero Soto


St. Teresa of Avila Catholic School, Carson City, NV

    • Recognizing: Madeline Roberts, Madeline Silsby


St. Vincent Ferrer School, Vallejo, CA

    • Recognizing: Amanda Lo